Ontario Claim Form 23 (OCF-23)
Treatment Confirmation Form

In the OCF-23: Treatment Confirmation Form, you, as the applicant, must provide information to the complete Parts 1, 2 and 3. After your health practitioner has reviewed your Treatment Confirmation Form with you, then you have to sign Part 9. Your health practitioner will complete all other parts of the form. Remember that the collection, use and disclosure of this information are subject to all applicable privacy legislation. Additional disclosure and consent may be required depending on the manner in which the information is used and disclosed. As indicated on the form, all attachments are sent directly to your insurer.

If your motor vehicle accident occurred on or after September 1, 2010, then your initiating health practitioner will use this form for goods and services provided in accordance with the Minor Injury Guideline. Your health practitioner, who must be authorized both by law to treat your impairment and under the applicable Guideline to complete this form, and who is responsible for providing you the goods and services described in this form, must sign Part 4. Lastly, concerning your consent, it is the responsibility of your health practitioner to ensure that his or her collection, use and disclosure of your information submitted are authorized by a consent form. The Ontario Claims Form 5 (OCF-5) Permission to Disclose Health Information may be used as a consent form for this purpose.

If you want to learn more about the companion accident benefits claim, and kickstarting the accident benefits application process, then please click the “link” to read my blog entitled “How to Get Your Accident Benefits Application Started”.

I hope you found this information valuable. Rudder Law Group’s website is your one-stop source for answers to all of your legal questions concerning catastrophic impairment law and personal injury law.


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